Premium UHS Clearcoat providing a high quality finish for any repair
Developed using the most advanced clearcoat resin technology available, D8173 Premium UHS Clearcoat delivers a high quality gloss finish to match OEM standards whilst still being very quick and easy to use.
Premium UHS Clearcoat offers excellent gloss levels with continued
gloss holdout achieving an accurate match to the OEM finish. It has
the additional benefit of being quick and easy to apply; having
good flow from the spraygun and offering a smooth lay down; all
making it suitable for the highest quality repair.
Fast application is supported as D8173 Premium UHS Clearcoat has the benefit of a one visit application. There is no need for an additional bake cycle offering improved productivity whilst delivering a high quality repair.
Designed to be used with a single hardener it is an ideal choice for any bodyshop requiring a compact, profitable solution.
D8173 Premium UHS Clearcoat is yet another example of PPG's commitment to help bodyshops improve profitability by delivering products that are easy to use and provide an accurate match to any high quality OEM gloss finish.
To download the PPG UHS Clearcoat brochure please click on the image below: