PPG is pleased to announce the launch of the Delfleet Chroma Selector; the latest commercial transport colour identification tool.
PPG is at the forefront of colour science and technology development and know that colour accuracy and colour capability are key points to maximise the whole production process for our customers. The ease of retrieving colour and the capability to get the 'right' colour first time is a key step in process efficiency for the Paintshop.
In order to grant maximum colour accuracy, all 3,264 colour chips have been matched and coated in alignment with the original standards, to speed up the process of colour identification resulting in the right match in less time
The Delfleet Chroma Selector has been designed to make our end users' lives easier: the layout of the box, the chip and fans collection, and - most of all - the colours themselves have been developed through "the eyes of the customer".
DELFLEET® is a registerde trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.