Warley Car Clinic become the first post-trial MOONWALK™ owners!
PPG Refinish UK and Ireland are proud to announce the first MoonWalk install of 2020 at Warley Car Clinic in Oldbury, West Midlands. Warley Car Clinic has been a long term partner of PPG Refinish using their ENVIROBASE® HP waterborne platform for over 8 years and have now made the next step in paint mixing technology by investing in MoonWalk.
“We made the decision to invest in MoonWalk to reduce the aspect of human error when it comes to paintwork, which in turn will lead to labour productivity and more efficient working hours” says Paul Johal, Bodyshop Manager at Warley Car Clinic. “MoonWalk will reduce wastage, meaning we will now have peace of mind knowing we are ensuring that every possible unit of material is being used. This is opposed to the current working conditions where wastage of material is common, costing firms such as ourselves significant amounts per annum.”
“It should be noted that MoonWalk will also allow us to stay futureproof as an organisation”, continues Paul. “Given that the market sector is rapidly evolving from all angles, we pride ourselves on remaining at the forefront of technology. We see MoonWalk as a step in the right direction in terms of improving efficiency and reducing the margin for error. Also, whilst less of a priority for some, the minimal cleaning required due to the cleanliness of the machine is great for those of us that hate cleaning!”
(From left to right) Ansar Mahmood, Manager, Kal Brang, Manager and George Stoican, Customer Service Advisor Warley Car Clinic.
Paul goes on to reflect on Warley Car Clinic’s relationship with PPG. “Our partnership with PPG has always been positive. PPG have supported our organisation as it has grown in both size and capabilities, and continues to do so. Considering we are a larger independent bodyshop, PPG still goes the extra mile to accommodate our requests without hesitation, and this is why we hope to continue building a fantastic relationship. I believe what PPG offer is one-stop approach for all, regardless of size or region, and we have enjoyed a lot of success during our partnership. Long may it continue”.
“As an organisation, we wish to continue progressing as much as the next firm. MoonWalk seems to be one of the few game changers within the industry which, forgiving the pun, does exactly what it says on the tin. We know as an organisation, we will reap the rewards in terms of productivity, which is something we simply cannot get enough of, and furthermore, MoonWalk will help us operate more efficiently”, claims Paul.
Paul concludes: “Our vision is to remain ahead of the technology trends and innovation within the market. We believe MoonWalk was a no-brainer, as the benefit this system will offer is beyond comparison to what is currently out there. As a large independent bodyshop, we cannot afford to fall behind with the times. This sounds somewhat cliché, but the industry is moving at such a pace from all angles. We simply calculated the benefits MoonWalk will offer us and it fits perfectly with our ambition to become an even more productive and efficient bodyshop”.
For more information on MoonWalk visit www.moonwalkrefinish.com or email ukmarketing@ppg.com.
(From left to right) Ansar Mahmood, Manager Warley Car Clinic and Tim Nevell, Digital Solutions Manager PPG Refinish UK & Ireland celebrating the install of Warley’s MoonWalk install.